Monday, December 31, 2012

10 things that needed to be ulzzang

My Favorite Ulzzang :: Choi Seo Hee
You have read About Ulzzang right ? now... who want to be an Ulzzang ? hhe~

i have some recomended if you want to be an ulzzang, i mean what you have to wear or use. This things isn’t expensive at all , you can find it in every corner of your city.

Ulzzang use minimalis at their make up, of course there are use heavy make up , but you can use natural make up. The point is how you use your make up, not how much or expensive your make up is.

Don’t be afraid to be an ulzzang , all you have to do is brave and confident. Every ulzzang have face like us , the different is... they can apply make up , mix and match their fashion so well and ta da... they look more cute, pretty and handsome.

There’s some things that ulzzang always use and this is more like identity become ulzzang. Want to know ? really wanna know ? ^^

Okay... let’s check this up ^^

1. Circle Lens
Circle lens is softlens which have huge diameters. Usually, circle lens have 14-16 mm at diameters. Circle lens come from South Korea (maybe since they have small eyes). With this huge diameters, it makes your iris more bigger and make your eyes looks big too. For an ulzzang, cirlce lens is important thing for them, cause it give “doll eye like” or “anime eye like” and makes their face more beautiful and cute.

Make sure if you use this circle lens, it suit with your skin or your hair. And if you have big eyes already, you don’t have to use this thing. Even so, there’s many ulzzang didn’t use circle lens like Park Tae Jun, Lee Chi Hoon, Park Ji Ho and some of them is boys.

2. Make Up and Eyeliner
Make up is the second thing that important for ulzzang. Not just for girl, but boy as well, cause make up can cover your lacking face like acne, scar, etc. Make up can shows up your point like eyes example. For ulzzang, they focus her make up on eyes and many of them use minimalis or natural make up, even so... there’s some who wear heavy make up.

If you want to be an ulzzang, there’s important things for make up that you have to use... like foundation, concealer, BB cream and lose powder. And for your eyes, you need eyeshadow and the important thing is EYELINER, black or white. If you use white eyeliner, you can use is at the corner of your eyes and usually chinese ulzzang who use this eyeliner to make efeect bigger eyes. Black eyeliner can make your eyes bigger too and makes your eyes more natural even you use circle lens. Not just girls who use black eyeliner, boys use it too... from natural looks to heavy looks.
Heavy Make Up
Natural Make Up
No Make Up
ulzzang boy with eyeliner
Ulzzang boy with eyeliner
3. Fake Eyelashes
Fake eyelashes is a bit important for them too. The ulzzang use the natural one but have big size. It different from gyaru style, ulzzang use the natural and it makes your eyes bigger beside using circle lens, makes your eyes contras (imagine if you have big eyes but have small eyelashes, weird, isn’t it ?)

4. Things For Your Hair
We all know that ulzzang style is from Asian, so... for hair style we have to use asian hair style. All you need (for boy or boyish) is flat iron, hair gel and hair spray. Flat iron for styling, hair gel for styling too and hair spray for keep your hair stay all day long.

Not just that, there more thing that you need, hair color. Like korean idol, ulzzang like to changes their hair color and hair style. Even if you want to changes your hair color, you have to make sure that it suit you and your color skin. Or you can use wig if you afraid of change your hair color.

5. Glasses
And what i mean is glasses for style, not for reading. Ulzzang use it to look more cute. There’s many style of glasses that you can wear, right ? but... if you hate to use glasses, you don;t have to. I still have another choises for you ^^

6. Hat
Not for covering from heat, hat can be used as style, right ? ulzzang like use hat at their fashion. It makes them more stylish ^^

7. Something Cute
If you want to take a picture like ulzzang, all you need is something cute. What i mean is like dolls (not chucky doll or voldemort doll, hhe~), hair accessories or your pet ^^
With Doll
Cute Accessories
With Pet
8. Rings and Bracelets
This thing is just for fashion cause ulzzang knows about fashion. But if you don’t want to wear it, it’s okay. It isn’t must. Just if you want to wear it cool, but if you don’t like this kind of things, just throw it away :D

9. Headset
If you use headset, people will think that you more cool. even if you don’t listen music at all, you can just use it for accessories, hhe~ models use it at session , that can’t be possible if they listening music at session.

10. Mask
Mask... it means mask for covering your mouth, not your face ^^ they use it as one of their accessories, not because they are sick. I don’t know why, buy many of them use this mask at their photos.


  1. they use masks because of korean fashion as well as the pollution in korean ^

  2. These are pictures of emo children
