Ulzzang is someone who like to taking their picture... pose in front of camera and send it to internet. And some of them have best face and become famouse and some of them become models.become models, they have to be fotogenic and clearly... ulzzang is someone who likes pose in front of camera.
Ulzzang has many of pose. If you want to take picture like ulzzang, you have to know what pose that they always does. So... here’s their pose ^^
3. Inflating Your Cheeks
It simply pose again... just take a breath and keep it in your mouth... Ta Da ^^
4. Stick out Your Tongue
It can makes you cool or cute ^^
5. Covering Your Mouth with Hand
6. Make “V” sign
7. Wink ^^
8. Act Like Cat
9. Take Picture By Theirself with Cellphone or Camera
Ulzzang stand in front of mirror and take their picture with their cellphone or camera. This pose called with MySpace pose. Even there are some negative issue with this pose, it will be fine as long as it doesn’t give negative effect to you.
10. Act Calling Someone
Pose just like when you receiving call with your cellphone.
11. Eat and Drink Something
Just pose like when you eat or drink something, even so... you have to take a note with your pose, act cute, innocence, cool or enjoy your food or drink when you take a picture with this pose.
12. Lie Down
This pose is quite cool... it will seducing you to sleep, hha~
13. Sleep... Close Your Eyes
If you want to take picture like this, makes sure you have to look cool. it would be funny if you really sleep with your mouth open and drolling ><
14. Stay Cool
15. Take picture from (exactly) side
Boys ulzzang used to do this pose than girl, why ? Maybe cause girl don’t want everyone saw their nose ^^v If you do this pose, mayor focus would be your nose, right ? that’s why you have to make sure you have to have beautiful nose to make this perfect pose ^^
Ulzzang has many of pose. If you want to take picture like ulzzang, you have to know what pose that they always does. So... here’s their pose ^^
1. Smile
Everyone use to smile when they take a picture, right ? it makes other people smile to. Smile is symbol of happiness. If you smile, it makes you more look beautiful, handsome, cute. it good for your skin too, so... always smile ^^
2. Looking Up or Side
You did it often right ? looking up or side when taking some picture ? it simple pose if you like taking picture. Not just ulzzang i thing, everyone did it often ^^
Everyone use to smile when they take a picture, right ? it makes other people smile to. Smile is symbol of happiness. If you smile, it makes you more look beautiful, handsome, cute. it good for your skin too, so... always smile ^^
You did it often right ? looking up or side when taking some picture ? it simple pose if you like taking picture. Not just ulzzang i thing, everyone did it often ^^
It simply pose again... just take a breath and keep it in your mouth... Ta Da ^^
It can makes you cool or cute ^^
Wink is a way to captivate someone. Maybe that’s why ulzang did it... they want to captivate you with their act :D
Cat is a cute animal... the ulzzang want to look cute so they did cat pose. This pose is familiar in Japan anime. Want to look cute ? just did it like this ^^
Ulzzang stand in front of mirror and take their picture with their cellphone or camera. This pose called with MySpace pose. Even there are some negative issue with this pose, it will be fine as long as it doesn’t give negative effect to you.
10. Act Calling Someone
Pose just like when you receiving call with your cellphone.
Just pose like when you eat or drink something, even so... you have to take a note with your pose, act cute, innocence, cool or enjoy your food or drink when you take a picture with this pose.
This pose is quite cool... it will seducing you to sleep, hha~
If you want to take picture like this, makes sure you have to look cool. it would be funny if you really sleep with your mouth open and drolling ><
Ulzzang who pose like this is models. They promote some clothing product and of course they have to look cool. But... ulzzang with handsome or beautiful face don’t have to act cool... they cool whatever they do.
Boys ulzzang used to do this pose than girl, why ? Maybe cause girl don’t want everyone saw their nose ^^v If you do this pose, mayor focus would be your nose, right ? that’s why you have to make sure you have to have beautiful nose to make this perfect pose ^^
There's many more about ulzzang pose... but this is the most... enjoy taking picture ^^