Wah... my blog so quite right now T.T
Well... this time i deside to write about Indonesian Multi Talent Man. He became famous after become finalis for Indonesia Mencari Bakat (Indonesian Got Talent). We all know that program right ? many country has their own.
What makes him different is what he brought. I don’t know if there’s another talent like him in this world, but I think his idea is different and nobody ever think about it.
Okay... the talent that he brought is become “Two Face Singer”, strange about the name ? but this is what he did. He split his face into two character, man and women, then... he sing with man and women voice. It’s hard to sing with one voice, but he did it.
Now you get it ? what do you think ? awesome, isn’t it ?
My entire family choose him that time, but... he didn’t win as winner, but he did a artist now ^^
Okay... this is his Biodata...

Actually, before he join Indonesian Got Talent, he likes comes to Singing Competitions when he was kid and always win. And he become Teenager, right ? He come to join Singing Competition again, but he loses. When he ask to the jury why he lose, the juries said that he has soprano voice like woman. And then, he work at Club and become Event Manager there.
At first, Jesica is in the left side and Hudson at right side. But... cause a accident which Jesica left shoe is lose at an even, Hudson deside to change her into right side of him and Hudson in the left side.
After that accident, Jesica always in the right side cause her properties has been made so, and Hudson has tatoo at her left side, that the other reason. Imagine if Jesica with her slim hand and feminin side has tatoo in her hand :D
For his costume, Hudson get help from his best friend, Eko who made and prepare all of his properties, clothes, dress, tuxedo, shoes, high heels and everything. For make up, Hudson apply it by him self ^^
Well... how you think ??
Well... this time i deside to write about Indonesian Multi Talent Man. He became famous after become finalis for Indonesia Mencari Bakat (Indonesian Got Talent). We all know that program right ? many country has their own.
What makes him different is what he brought. I don’t know if there’s another talent like him in this world, but I think his idea is different and nobody ever think about it.
Okay... the talent that he brought is become “Two Face Singer”, strange about the name ? but this is what he did. He split his face into two character, man and women, then... he sing with man and women voice. It’s hard to sing with one voice, but he did it.
Still don’t get it what I’d say ? let’s take a look his video...
Now you get it ? what do you think ? awesome, isn’t it ?
My entire family choose him that time, but... he didn’t win as winner, but he did a artist now ^^
Okay... this is his Biodata...

Name :
Hudson Prananjaya
Nickname : Hudson or Yosan
March 27, 1979
Sibling : Have 4 siblings
Actually, before he join Indonesian Got Talent, he likes comes to Singing Competitions when he was kid and always win. And he become Teenager, right ? He come to join Singing Competition again, but he loses. When he ask to the jury why he lose, the juries said that he has soprano voice like woman. And then, he work at Club and become Event Manager there.
Did you know that the woman side of him in his two face caracter is Jesica ? when the first time he meet Jesice is Uncondisionally. As Event Manager, he has to be creative and make something different in every performers in his Club. He think and think about it until he found out what he forgot. He remember juries said that he has woman voice and he got an idea... sing with two face and apply it at Club and sing at wedding party before join at Indonesian Got Talent. He got name Jesica is from his friend who said it nonsense, but... that nonsense make Hudson meet Jesica who gives luck for him.
At first, Jesica is in the left side and Hudson at right side. But... cause a accident which Jesica left shoe is lose at an even, Hudson deside to change her into right side of him and Hudson in the left side.
After that accident, Jesica always in the right side cause her properties has been made so, and Hudson has tatoo at her left side, that the other reason. Imagine if Jesica with her slim hand and feminin side has tatoo in her hand :D
For his costume, Hudson get help from his best friend, Eko who made and prepare all of his properties, clothes, dress, tuxedo, shoes, high heels and everything. For make up, Hudson apply it by him self ^^
Well... how you think ??
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